Avid reader. Occasional writer. Hermit when permissible. Ear scritch providing servant* to cats. 'Hey there buddy/girl' friend to dogs. Lack self control in moderating hobby time-use. Often tired.
Sometimes it's easier to pretend it wasn't my fault. Especially when I realize late. Brain immediately rationalizes why a character did it and not little ol' me.
I apologize for my pretentious looking words~ Ugh... this sort of thing just plopped out of my 'adjusting to wn style' head. Big and fancy isn't always better for the reader!
Good, then I succeeded!
Oh thanks! Will fix up later.
Yes to the talking, it solves so much. Or at least puts things on a better path. Cost of open lines of communication? Free! Cost of stomach churning resentment? One friend/coworker.
I planned big wreck from the start and its been written for so long - but I keep putting it off! I'm as bad as Naia, too afraid to confront... And well, was kind of searching for 'everything else lining up' moment.
Maybe more real indeed...
I have never seen those thighs, so I think its fresh for me at least...
When I was putting words together, it was actually Lunar Horizons! ...Then I decided to make it something weirder and sounding less like a space exploration company. So it was squashed into Lunarizon!
Thanks for touching on this one so early! Honestly, I'm not what I would call a *deep fan* of the ww genre either~ But I felt it was a shame that Yuri is almost forced into ABO territory... My goal is to make something that bridges a lot of the base concepts, with as much respect to those fans as possible, with *my* preferences. While remaining an intriguing read for all involved!