its stated up that he didnt know about the academy, now he is remembering people talking about the benefits there????
Well, lets start with bad things and then good things. 1- Writing quality is good if we consider the grammer and such but its written in a way that is very hard to understand what is happening. Like in starting chapters you are referring the opponent az 'That man ' or 'the man' but you can give more info on why is he bulling them. what are girls thinking. not just what their eyes are doing. one more thing is like sometimes the story just braks in between and then whusshh its back on track but missing few important parts. 2- character design can be improved. give more info abt the characters. in the early chaps the characters are like dolls talking with each other. next is dialogue. if you're putting it a POV please put a mark so we understand who are we looking the story from. 3- the good part is the story has good premise and power levels untill i read. so keep up for unique ideas. 4- i dont know abt updating stabilty so full 5 star for that. 5- world background is decently intriduced as story peogresses but as mentioned above the story just breaks in between and that just takes focus away from the story. A pointer- the story feels monotonous and its boring that way. try to have interactions of character and not just this happened and after that that happened. anyway, this is just my opinion. keep up the good work 👍.
Good start, a uniqu story. I'll update again in later chaps.
Good start, a uniqu story. I'll update again in later chaps.
Good start, a uniqu story. I'll update again in later chaps.
Good start, a uniqu story. I'll update again in later chaps.
Good start, a uniqu story. I'll update again in later chaps.