

2024-04-15 加入Nigeria







The Billionaire's Forced Bride

Characterisation; Rachael Wright; An ambitious girl who had her life planned until she was forced to marry a crippled man to save her father”a company. Lucas Hamilton; The only son of the Hamiltons who pretended to be crippled. Rachel’s forced husband. Esther wright: Rachel’s stepsister who had always been jealous of Rachel and would do anything to bring her down. Henry Hamilton; Lucas’s cousin brother. Mr wright; Rachel’s father. Kate wright; Rachel’s stepmom. Juliet: Rachel’s maiden.. Felix: Rachel’s ex boyfriend. Exposition: Rachel wriight is a girl with ambitions. She had a whole life ahead of her and she was happily living a peaceful life with her parents until one day her father brought another woman home with another child. Rachel and her mother tolerated their father and forgave him. They tried to be at peace with them. But this didn't work as Rachel’s father ended up mistreating them so they had to move out. Rachel’s mother fell ill and died, Life became so unbearable for Rachel as she remembered she had a father who would sort her expenses out for her. She went back to live with them but received all sorts of mistreatment from her stepmother and sister. She never knew her father had another agenda for taking her in. Inciting incident : One day Rachel was told that she would be getting married to a man to save her father’s company from going bankrupt. This wasn't the kind of life Rachel planned on having and it was a crippled man at that. Rachel thought she would spend the rest of her life taking care of a crippled man who was even abandoned. She had a whole life planned and she made promises to her dead mother that she would fulfil her dreams and become great so there was no way she would accept to that. Rachel planned to escape with her boyfriend but she was caught by her father who locked her up and forced her to marry a crippled man. Raising action: Rachel had no choice but to marry him because she was forced to and after she found out that her boyfriend slept with her stepsister and snitched on her. He was the one who told her father that they were planning to escape. Turns out Esther, Rachel’s step sister seduced him and asked him for a favor and Rachel didn't comply to what he wanted as a man so he did as Esther asked. On their wedding day when Rachel caught her eyes on her husband to be. She found him very handsome and he also stood up for her when she wanted to get bullied by her family. Rachel and Lucas went home together but that night,Rachel saw Lucas on his feet and became very shocked to why a full healthy man was pretending to be crippled and that night she found out that he wasn't abandoned but the only son of the powerful family in New York. The Hamilitons. She didn't ask him why as they were not acquainted that much and she was going to leave the marriage sooner. The Hamiltons got a wife for their son because they felt he was very lonely and crippled and they thought he needed someone to be with him. Lucas pleaded for her to keep it a secret. The next day they went to get their marriage certificate. But Lucas was kind of cold and Rachel had to take a cab but was kidnapped. The next time Rachel opened her eyes. She was surrounded by bunch of guys who wanted to have their way with her. Rachel screamed and asked for help but to no avail. They were about ten of them. By the time they wanted to start, Lucas showed up and saved her so they carried out their investigations and found out that because of an altercation with Rachel’s step sister. She paid a group of boys to have their way with her. Lucas wanted to take matters into his hands but Rachel pleaded with him not to. Rachel and Lucas began getting along even though Felix,Rachel’s ex-boyfriend kept pleading with her to forgive him and for them to escape. Rachel who wanted to be a model but her future was taken away by Esther, her stepsister.

rabiupretty78 · 奇幻言情
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