Exactly, so for him to get hit with a tranq dart of all things and then do nothing makes no sense, but I'll let you cook brother.
The setback has to be logical tho. He could have easily just turned into some alien with a thought, XLR8 for example I imagine could just vibrate the poison out of him like the Flash did. Now had you have him run off and try to fight the brotherhood by himself and get humbled then things would have been fine.
Who is the love interest? I vote for Debbie just for the lols (and because she's kinda cool) if there is no confirmed LI.
Honestly came in with abysmal expectations because everyone in the reviews but it wasn't bad at all. Lot's of people complaining about MC dating a mother likes it's an affront to god and the MC is a cuckmaster supreme or something. Also saw a lot of people saying the MC is like the worst existence to ever exist in the history of existence for not reviving his parents but it really ain't that deep bro. Who knows maybe I'm the weird one for thinking he just wants his parents to have a peaceful afterlife.. like they expect him to continuously revive his parents every time they die? In conclusion not a bad read so far I personally quite like the MC and the building of his family and the only complaint I'd have is maybe some indication to when there's a time skip things got a little confusing near the end of the available chapters and it felt like things were kinda moving quick at least in terms of his relationship, it feels like they were just dating and then they're married all of a sudden, unless he was just calling her his wife.
Not absolute control. I believe the sharingan just helps with chakra control a bit but not absolute control.
Genuinely the best Cyberpunk translated novel I've ever read. Somehow managed to make it actually feel like cyberpunk, and all the characters actually feel like real people. It's nice to see an MC who isn't some edgy murder hobo aswell and all the banter between the crew is fun too and it's great that his cheat isn't super OP.
And considering it's Vic he probably cut her some slack and dropped the prices a lot.
Probably both. Plus I'm pretty sure Abernathy was way higher up on the food chain than V, though I haven't played Cyberpunk in a while so eh.