From Germany I am a Boy Tensura Fan (Diablo is awesome)(Rimuru too)
It's starting 😈
It took me months to get that Joke....
How was it efed Up?
To get rid of Rhezah Pahlevi, they got Ayatollah Komeni To Stop Komeni, they got Hussein. To Stop Hussein, they got themselves. To Stop the Russians, they got Osama bin Laden (Taliban). To Stop Osama bin Laden, the got themselves as well as NATO.
You called me?
As true as you might be (you are completly right), saying something like that in a Talkshow where kids are listening in, and might Take inspiration from, is NOT good PR, fr fr. ... wich then again leads to my comment about zero-tolerance-polocies and how a random ass kid might be punished for 'standing' up for themselves...