How? By channeling chakra into kunai then swap with it. It what? another kunai? or you throw the kunai and then swap with it? so hiraishin? lol. The later said it works like substitution jutsu. That is not how substitution jutsu works bro.
who is he? Superior CR7? 😂
just as Sasuke to force relationship with Sakura? lol. Naruto better with no romance after all. Boruto is the reasult from greedy studio. But in the end, it is fine Naruto & Hinata have relationship for me. But the sequel is a no no.
another AI bullshit. fix it fool!
I dont understand this garbage have 1m+ views. The positive side is I still can read it. i am sorry if it sounds harsh, but it is indeed a wasted story.
The thing is... Reading such a Chinese fanfic translation make me naoseous. there are always dialog every chapter react to anything but we dont know who is asking, who is answering, who is talking at that time. Almost every half of the chapter, filled with that rubbish. it is like a template almost every chinese fanfic. I want to ask for every chinese author about that, why? And the translator didnt even review again before uploading. If I didnt bother to search to translate certain character name, such as Flying Squirell or Yellow Monkey , I think the original author just want to throw random ass names.
Kumo's kage always so reckless. Surprised surprised.. They always survived with less casualties. Albeit with their own kage as a self sacrifice. 😂
It is still doesn't make any sense. Why is Danzo the candidate of kyuubi jinchuriki?! 😅 If you follow closely the story of Naruto. You could only become jinchuriki if you still a young age, because your chakra pathway still growing. If you force to become jinchuriki at an old age. The sudden massive chakra put inside your body could damage the tenketsu (chakra pathway). Unless you are Uzumaki (because their vitality). And Danzo is not. 😅
*I meant sixth hokage
Shisui was indeed an elite jonin. But for S rank or kage level shinobi is debatable. In canon he has no feat to reach such a rank. And his submissive tendency make him more a soldier rather than an individual with leadership thingking. (It is the same as Kakashi until he forced to be a fifth Hokage after Pain's invasion, his character change little by little after that).