

2023-10-05 加入Global




  • xCrave
    xCrave7 months ago

    Pls dont forget to add a lot of details next chapter for whats about to happen

  • xCrave
    xCravea year ago

    So I have read until chapter 211 and am seriously mad about the fact that not once until that time did he do anything with the girls by themselves tbh. It either got crashed by others or they were all together. I would like to see that they each maybe for once have a proper discussion with just two of them doesnt matter which girl. I would prefer it that way so the romance can properly develop, maybe that will happen in the future but I think 200 chapters of orgys with no proper development between them (except rya, since she is always alone) is kind of frustrating for me personally. Besides that everything from cultivation, world, and characters is good.

  • xCrave
    xCravea year ago

    This will be a review and also a couple suggestions on my part. Please note that this is just my personal opinion with the suggestions and should not be taken too seriously. The story overall is great, absolutely love it. How all mythologies come together is great and very well depicted in the story of how these interact with each other and Victor himself. I love how the world is and how there is more than just "Earth", with other sectors and other lands with different gods and creatures, variety is there, and that is very important to keep things interesting. The fight scenes are more than enough and are interesting. Some arcs are really great such as Demon War Arc/Victor vs Diablo. Others however are not so great imo, such as the Samar Arc, it is great that we get to see Victor make friends with Aurora and Fenrir, however Tasha and Maya joining Vic`s Harem is something that troubles me about the Character Design and Development. The characters are interesting, and overall different, however when it does come to the harem, I am starting to get frustrated a little bit. The problem is, that there are many characters that are just either not important to the story, or are not developed enough to become important. The characters that are not developed enough but are joining are for example characters such as Carmilla, Victoria, and Naty/Natasha Fulger. They are not relevant per se to the story itself and do not change anything whether they are there or not, they might change something about Sasha or Natashia, but to the overall bigger picture mean almost nothing. Same can not be said about characters such as Kali, Nyx, Persephone, Gaia, Lilith, and the Generals. They are important first of all for the reason that they are strong, or have strong subordinates such as Gaia with Typhon. Or are a strength of the MC as well. And therefore can be said to be important to the story. The problem however now comes that the story is progressing quickly with Overlords and Emperors coming in, but the characters are not progressing. They are not part of the wives yet such as Gaia, Nyx, Persephone, Amaterasu, basically the strong goddesses and the generals as well. Therefore it is important that these characters need to be developed and added to the harem. Therefore, when a new arc either starts, such as Samar Arc, Victor should not be getting any more wives as of right now, because as the aforementioned characters are already not developed enough, and adding more will be difficult if the variety and difference in characters is not properly addressed, and then it will become a pokemon pick-up harem. This can also be said for characters such as Anna, we know it will happen but we dont know when and what will happen so therefore I suggest taking the time to progress the mentioned characters. The story is progressing in a good pace which I believe is very important, however for it to develop further some characters need to be removed, such as New Dawn, Egyptian and Norse Pantheon, and Elder Gods. By removed I mean properly killed off. They are too weak, and are just wasting time of the story currently to actually do anything, I have read in the discord that they are cannon fodder, and they should be, but it needs to happen sooner than later. They are weak, bring nothing to develop Victor and the story further, maybe if they hurt one of his wives and he gains divinity or something like that would be a good idea, but as of right now they mean nothing because it is so heavily empathised that Emperors and Overlords are coming that these need to be removed. The scale of strenghts has skyrocketed, with Victor having even more energy than Kali and Shiva, the two strongest on the current earth. Therefore I believe that a slice of life Arc is very important, where Victor gets to meet Kali, Amaterasu, as well as the other major goddesses in his faction should become part of his harem. They need to be developed to 1st. make the characters not the same, 2nd to make Victors overall power and influence grow so the story can properly progress. The World overall is great, with is background being the primordial entities and the system. I love that we have characters that are so strong that the MC has a goal, and love that these people regulate everything and Victor can achieve that, well because he is already as strong as kali in terms of energy. These entities and the system bring something very unique to the story, which is very different from many xianxia novels where u live in the inner world of some heavnly dao guy or something like that. They are impartial and that needs to stay that way and is very important so that it does not come to the typical "I need to break through to not be regulated by some entities anymore". I believe that is very important and should definetely stay that way. Overall, great story, love it! The characters just need to be a little more developed and then it would be perfect for me.