

2023-09-22 加入Global




  • IncrediblyDumb
    IncrediblyDumba year ago

    Are you an under age boy that idolizes people like that bald cockroach-looking dude that got arrested for human trafficking? Are you someone that thinks that a man showing any emotions that may be considered “soft” automatically makes that man a f*g? (Author’s words). Do you like reading about an MC that is completely psychotic with absolutely no redeeming qualities? Do you want to read chapters that are 95 percent monologue? Even later, after the author says he “learned and changed the format so you just have to get through the first 45 chapters” probably around 70 to 80 percent of the chapters are still the MC’s vomit inducing thoughts. Wanna read a harem where the only purpose of it is to have as many members as possible so a lot of the girls only get a summary from the MC “I like her body so I made her go through some horrendous events so that she gets traumatized and ends up depending on me ;) now she loves me, yipee”! Then this story is your braindead mind’s ultimate dream. Some words to the author. Hermanó perdón por ser tan brusco, yo asumo que creciste alrededor de una cultura similar como en la que yo crecí. En donde los hombres tienen metido en la cabeza ciertas ideas de machismo, y lo que significa ser un hombre. Si tu creaste el protagonista usando tu propia mentalidad, busca ayuda o trata de cultivar una mente mas aceptante porque este protagonista es absolutamente horroroso.