

2023-09-09 加入Nigeria







Zodiac Knights: A Hybrid’s Dream

***okay now, guys. one of my very first works. I consider this a new beginning as I’ve made more research on writing techniques and plot organization, I think I’m pretty good now, but you can definitely make me better. I guarantee you a steady update and in return, you can show a little love by dropping reviews and powerstones. a comment would be appreciated too. who knows? I might update even faster than one chapter per day. here it is!*** A long time ago, there was perfect harmony on earth and all the races lived together. one day, the demon race suddenly attacked the other races, the war raged on for a very long time with the demon race holding the lead in the war. the human race was completely helpless and couldn’t be of any meaningful help in the war. just when the humans were pushed to a corner and the fate of their race was bleak, they discovered a sacred treasure. the titans tusk. with this sacred treasure, they managed to seal the demon race and create a protective dome that they now secluded themselves in, but a lot of damage had already been done. a few years after sealing the demons, humans realized that due to their inexperience with the titans tusk, they had leaked a deadly energy that fed on negative emotions, converting this negative emotions to extremely powerful and ruthless beasts that now posed a really serious problem to the survival of humanity. humans had eventually evolved to possess extremely powerful and rare bloodline abilities, but they couldn’t be sure if it was really a blessing. the beasts created from humans negative emotions also had the bloodline ability of humans. since these beasts were created with the human DNA, they possessed the bloodline abilities of humans. living in immense fear, humans kicked out every other race that was around them and they further retreated into the energy to protect themselves from both the beasts and any other race that might decide to go crazy. in this present time, there is an illusion of peace that has lasted for quite a long time, little will the humans find out that the sacred treasure protecting them had weakened and could no longer hold the seal nor energy dome. they discover that they have only a month before the sacred treasure finally gives in. so, in a month, they will have to battle the demons and the beasts, at the same time, and probably any other race that felt wronged by the humans. It was either they found a way to go around this, or they risked extinction because they were never going to win the war.

Krystal_george · 奇幻
35 Chs