I am a new to writing, be patient for my mistakes
I haven't read it yet, I'm just going to start but seeing the title, the review and the comments (especially the good ones) we'll see how it goes but first 5 stars just because I'm good.
Unfortunately yes, for some personal reasons and because of the amount of hate the story got, I deleted the messages but there was a lot of hate, so sorry, I might make a new one or I might be translating a story but that depends on my time.
Señores si esto es producido para una pelicula se puede decir que es cine, siga asi amigo mio y que no abandone la idea.............................
te soy sincero la verdad me esta gustando bastante la historia, asi que hechale ganas y por favor continua con la historia............................
It's perfect, because here is pure madness
Alta historia, sigua asi joven, esta padre la historia............................................................................................................................
pufff haha
Para cobrar si eres bueno, pero te lo mereces, esta padre la historia
una joya entre las joyas, una historia marvillosa, siga asi joven hechele ganas y pronto tendra sus piedras eh, pero buena historia eh.................
What story is this? could you tell me the name please?