My motto: Allah Above All, Adham Above The Rest. Contact: Discord: @adhaman
The novel mainly follows a transmigrated human in a vast, intricate world. However, there will be POV switches (sometimes). I hope you enjoy your read. If you have any questions, just contact me or ask here. I will probably answer.
The novel has been moved to a new link. Check it out here:'s-ploy-a-tale-of-one-against-the-world_30443424005261205's-ploy-a-tale-of-one-against-the-world_30443424005261205
Moved. The new link should drop tomorrow with 29 chapters. I will reply to you with it as soon as it drops. Read it there, all the chapters will be enhanced.
Thank you buddy, you are one of the very few people who reached this far, truly dedicated!
Around the middle of the Novel.
Next chapter is interesting! Wait for it.
I'm glad you liked it, this was one of the most difficult chapters I've written so far.
Thanks. I'm still writing, the plan is to keep posting 2 chapters per day!
Things start slowly, The MC won't start as a Villain, Just keep that in mind,