Game of Thrones: One True King
This story follows the eldest and legitimate son of Eddard Stark and Ashara Dayne, whose circumstances surrounding his birth bestowed him with magical power. Follow his adventures, as Alaric conquers, not to destroy but to preserve.
In this fanfiction, MC is an OC born by union of Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne soon after Robert's rebellion. Magic and swords will be the main focus. I cannot say MC with be highest level IQ player, but he will use common sense. He will be like Ned in demeanor but is not afraid to go dirty. He will start as any kid his age, and grow over time.
I have created a magic system which will not make MC OP under 10 chapters and begin to slap everyone left and right, but there will be progression. And don't worry it makes complete sense, and I have explained it in chapter 5.
I have something planned for romance, for which you have to stay put and let me cook in peace.
Update Schedule: 2 chapter worth 2k words each per week (Week will be decided with poll.)