They say an apple a day keeps bullies away. That is, if you throw it hard enough!
how is it a legendary if there are no legends about it?😂
after Giovanni? are you sure?
if you can't even breathe, then it's highly likely you can't hear your voice, in which case how can you even be sure that you are actually producing sound?
Bro's doing backtracking irl lol! I wonder if he can use stuff like memoization and branch pruning to narrow the possibilities he must traverse.
i'm not saying this whole 'golden eyes mysterious power' is a bad thing. But I was kinda expecting him to grow as a person and realise that he can make a difference if he tries to.
i don't think you'd be able to live at all if the world gets destroyed. and if you're scared of interacting with the characters because of messing up the plot, then you might as well abandon your dream and start a farm