it's alright with a few problems here and there but good to read . i just came from reading your other novels .
nice idea and very well executed too. just the update are a bit slow
good story. I'm hooked. i saw it in mtl once. but thanks for saving me some brain cells by reading that. good translation quality. need more chap bro. i also bought you a kofee to support you since you are translating this for free.
nice fanfic. now let's talk about mosquitoes making babies. .....&-+(+';))(_$"())&_+()):'_6))?!$_)):&$-()(+-&-()?!
all right with me , as long as it's not forced or rape .
Nice book , good and immersive plot . It's story is definitely true to its name . Moreover the world building is not like an info dump but gradual and well executed The character development is also nicely done , slowly adapting to new world . Just keep more chapters coming 😁
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola