


Let the World Dance to the Tune Of My Words. Let the Fantasia Become reality. And Let the Fantasia Be Woven Into Reality. A fifteen years old kid...who's going to dominate the web novel industry..

2023-05-14 加入Nigeria







Cursed Hunter: Regressor In A Strange World.

Arriving in a world whereby the pathways have been lost and the chaotic era forever remains a thing of the past. Xavier realizes that he's born into a family of hunters: Humans who hunt demons, cursed spirits, and various supernatural creatures. ...With the resurgence of the pathways. Xavier and his brother, Klaus, must do everything in their prowess to put an end to the resurgence of the various evil gods and lunatics that endanger the lives of the normal citizens of the society. Churches of Gods, transcenders, prophets, and angels of the lord can be both allies and enemies in this legendary tale that delves into the peak of mystery, mysticism, and Lovecraftian horror!! Warning: 1) CHAPTERS ARE USUALLY EXTREMELY LONG. DONT BE SURPRISED UF U CONSTANTLY SEE {2k to close to 4k plus words} 2) A Slow Paced Novel yet extremely fast paced, read to understand what I meant by that. 4) Read for the lore, realistic character interactions, mysticism, love craftian horror, slice of life, world building, mystery and mind blowing plot twists. And finally... You won't be seeing any grand aspirations from the beginning. So if ur looking for a fast paced clichè novel then don't bother reading this. We have a lot of them around here...just enough to satisfy ur lower quality urge. Hehehe and for those who think. what? How can he be so arrogant. Dive into this masterpiece and come back to thank me. Adios to my upcoming fandom community. Also for better refined editing, better grammar and better character development. Everything refined to the best of my abilities. You can all check the chapters out on Royal Road. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/93823/cursed-hunter-regressor-in-a-strange-world

Dream_Lord14 · 奇幻
43 Chs