Create a world together with the help from you!
Brilliant idea which I would like to incorporate but the messes and explanations left behind almost made me dizzy @v@. And yeah, cloning is possible with proper and adequate research in the story. Let's leave it to the therapeutic one. I don't want a clone war xD.
Thank you very much @@@ @V@ @@@
Thank you, I really want to write a slice of life but the chapters could surmount to an unimaginable number. So, I have to cut it short by not writing characters' names @v@.
btw you have reached this far so quickly 😆
how could I have never seen this reply in my notification 😭 😢. pure yuri nothing else
haha, well not necessarily but it relieves our stress in some ways
indeed. Paired with a ballistic visor, the sight is menacing to any foes.
Thank you very much for the review. I'm exhilarated and motivated again to unleash my creativity again from your words alone.
Thank you very much !!
Thank you very much for your support!