

2023-03-12 加入Global




  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenz3 months ago

    Man, from the moment I started hating this hero, why does he blame the world? What has the world got to do with your family? For example, what did I, my friends, and my family have to do with your problems so that you can blame us? Or be reluctant to help you with your problems, or you will resent us. I saw many people subjected to violence, and most of them became tough and cruel people, people who would not break easily because they were accustomed to it, but for violence to generate contradictory and hypocritical scum like this, this is something new.

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenz6 months ago

    The worst novel, for me, is something provocative, a novel that is all about disgusting pornography, and the problem is that it is normal pornography, but it is perverted pornography that gives you goosebumps. A writer is a scumbag. You feel that he is a slave to lust. If we lived in the same country, I would feel his chills every day because of the many suspicious things. He describes God as a homosexual. Oh, I forgot that he is an atheist. Atheism has not been sold in this century. In the beginning, people accepted it because it was a new idea and something exciting, and at the same time they hated religion, but now it has become a laughing stock. If you tell an atheist that a hearing aid came from nothing and developed like this, he will not believe you. If you bring him a video, he will tell you Photoshop. But the strange thing is that he believes that this wonderful universe came from Nothingness and evolution. You will feel that the atheist is evading God and believes that if he does not acknowledge God, God will not exist. It is as if God is waiting for him to acknowledge his existence.

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenz7 months ago

    I did not understand the idea of ​​the story. How could she have a large harem and not have a penis? How could they accept that a girl like them would be a man to them

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenz9 months ago

    Guys, this is why I hate Chinese and Korean stories. The names of the characters are difficult to remember. Man, at least he used a mixture of Chinese names and other countries. You want to spread your culture, we don't object to it, man, but man, your names are difficult and difficult to memorize

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenz10 months ago

    Guys, how can someone read such nonsense? How can a girl marry a girl? How can a man marry a man? How can I follow a gay female main character? How can my mind comprehend and accept such a deviation? Just imagine a girl saying to a girl: “Tonight I will satisfy you in bed, my wife.” It's a disgusting thing. Just imagine a girl saying to another girl, "I will protect you, my wife. Count on me, my wife. After all, I'm your man or your husband." It's a disgusting thing.

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenza year ago

    Guys, excuse me, but how am I going to read this pile of shit? The main character loves her mother. From the summary, I can say this. If you are spending your money on such nonsense, then excuse me, but you are scum. If the plot of the novel, the fights, and the conspiracies were good, I would not read such filth. In fact, how can a person write a story about someone who wants to have sex with his mother? Have the women ended and all you have is your mother? If she is the most beautiful person in the universe, how will I desire her? So how can I cheer for such a character? All I see is a suspicious and disgusting person who desires his mother’s body. If you support such content, you should be ashamed. You should give that money to your family, a poor person, or a homeless person

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenza year ago

    Damn it guys, please don't involve us in his sister's story. I don't care, guys, if someone comes and cuts her off piece by piece. I don't care, guys.

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenza year ago
    回復 DragonKnov

    Also, excuse me if you did not understand my comment, as my language is not English, so it is Google Translate.

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenza year ago
    回復 DragonKnov

    Also, excuse me if you did not understand my comment, as my language is not English, so it is Google Translate.

  • Basil_Hokenz
    Basil_Hokenza year ago
    回復 DragonKnov

    He provoked me when system asked him his opinion about humans and he said humans are selfish and greedy. Then I asked myself: Am I not human, for example, and have I not lived with humans? You feel like a teenage hero who complains about everything and believes that he has the right to live a luxurious life. Sorry, I went off topic. My problem with the hero is that he did not talk about the good side. It feels like he is biased. He also talks about animals as if they were angels. He forgot one thing. Also, I doubt that he lived in the wild. The law of the wild is the survival of the fittest, and also if animals had a mind, strength, and weapons like humans, they would do worse. Just imagine a crocodile coming out of the river and having nuclear weapons