the witcher
Embark on an extraordinary journey through the immersive world of Naruto, embodying the captivating role of Hatake Satoru, a sibling to the legendary Kakashi. Equipped with a character-playing system that enhances abilities based on authenticity, witness your strength surge with an unparalleled degree of realism.
Commencing as Hatake Satoru, the powerhouse from "Jujutsu Kaisen," forge bonds and lead friends through transformative training, guiding them into formidable fighters under your seasoned tutelage.
Intriguing and shrouded in mystery, Satoru's chakra-free movements confound even the astute Uchiha Itachi. Orochimaru, ever the seeker of knowledge, becomes captivated by the mystique surrounding Satoru, fueling an insatiable desire to unravel his secrets.
hey guys so my updating schedule will be like this:
Monday - 4 chap
Tuesday - 4 chap
Wednesday - 4 chap
Thursday - 4 chap
Friday - 4 chap
Saturday 4 chap
Sunday - 4 chap
please show me your support!!!!
ricardo_yammouni · 漫画同人