Armor of Schicskal, Husband of Evangeline MC
He's just smart
He's not going to stay weak for long, in a few dozens chapter, he's going to re-create the M.A.N.T.I.S procedure and become one of the strongest character.
I'm sure you did, I crossposted this story in many place after all, wattpad, QQ, my other webnovel account, spacebattle, etc
I'm Zaztra, I'm multi posting this story with a slightly different tittle to make it more widespread
Im giving 5 stars cause its Minecraft, and i really love it, it's my first ever game that i played. __________________________________________________
Good Story! ignore what every other person said about this fanfic, you are certainly good at what you are doing, i hope you are having a nice day man. (Need more words for my review to go past, so ignore what's below me) Ablaze Baron Cinder Dark English Fire Grand Heat Iron Jeep Kill
Good Story! (Need more words for my review to go past, so ignore what below me) Ablaze Baron Cinder Dark English Fire Grand Heat Iron Jeep Kill