Writing tales that haunt my mind. . . . Patreon: https://patreon.com/thetalesofrosaspandan
Will take note in this. ❤ Thank you so much for your insights! I will sure do better with the next chapters. 🤗🤗❤❤
❤❤❤ It is both rush, not rush, and deliberately skipping some scenes since it will just be Athena working on the fields. It is a little bit rush since I saw constructive criticism (I will keep it a secret where I saw it 😄) that my story is too slow and I also would like to take the opportunity to highlight some of the character's perspective on incoming chapters. 🤗
1. (forced) union ✔ 2. ????? 🤔
Well, after chapter 63... she won't be ;)
Chapter 63 is now posted. ;)