seems like someone is holding a flame fpr his non- blood sister. Because real brothers don't act like that- they are more obnoxious
it takes weeks for your belly to flatten after pregnancy
What the heck.. she just destroyed tge first gift your daughter ever gave you, mocked her and bullied her and you just smile and say it is okay..
I do not know why she hasn't tried to contact her brother to protect and treat her mom... considering her mom was almost dead and surrounded by murderers when she last saw her
So what!?! company rules override the law ??
No scold them! Even if they have good intentions extortion is bad
hahaha, I am pretty sure they were the ones svreaming and fighting
Are they deaf and stupid?? she has obviously already tossed him aside and wants nothing to do with the scumbag...
I agree, they should stick to each other and leave everyone else alone
hahaha, he is still treating her as a pet🤣