The fool who does not belong to this era The mysterious ruler above the grey mist The king of yellow and black who brings good luck
Is Sunny a girl in this novel? Or am I just crazy?? Otherwise thank you for the chapter
He will therefore not join the fraud... Anyway, thank you for the chapter.
Oh? Join Shanks ? I always wondered how this fraud had become emperor. Will you do us the pleasure of riding it for us dear author ? Oh and thank you for the chapter
Thank you for everything and see you tomorrow? Maybe?
Yes some are stupidly strong but most rather use exaggerated hyperbole while the protagonist or one of the said Culture Character has not shown any fact that can prove the same hyperbole
The path of the monster is surprisingly compatible with no other path. That makes him one of the easiest ways to become a great old one
Tu as lu l’histoire principale ? Ou tu recherche les info que via ChatGPT ? Car ils existe une bonne dizaine de personne de lotm qui ont plus d’une voie (unicité) accommoder
What a shitty chapter, I'm hard on that but damn it was hard to read, in fact I didn't even finish reading it it was so bad and unreadable. Every time I got into the rhythm of the fight, it was disrupted by meaningless dialogue.
Amon? It would be funny to see one of his wife take out a monocle