I am don’t worry
Next week i got bowl games for American football this weak!
Next week
Very well done! Im jealous
Ok lol
Not posting there yet
Says the person that wants to duck a alien cat girl 😻
Kai Augustine, son of world-renowned Dr. Grace Augustine, back on Earth Kai, was a heavily decorated marine, having almost every medal a living marine could have, now that his time serving his country is up, he decides to follow his mom and join her on Pandora... No cheats! AU!! Heavy Spoilers!
This Novel is about the life of an American Football player, yes it’s about Football but also his life around the sport it self and his College journey, if you don’t like sports this may not be for you, but it does not only focus on sports so you may find something you like. Will have pictures. Has all American back ground. Tv show^^ #Sports#football#College#slice of life #real life
read mmy new fic its this fic but a whole lot more