I am just here to stave off the encroaching feeling of boredom.
And literally any quincy is a student.
Is this hero for real.
I'm just gonna assume she entered her bird form. not sure if thats what actually happened or not but it's what makes me feel best. also i thought of it as soon as the condition was revealed for this room.
genuinely thought she was gonna say gambler.
you are the only reason its not five stars right now. also her being female just makes it better, for me anyway but hey your entitled to your opinion not like it can be wrong it is an opinion after all, you'll just be a minority.
cool rhanks for the explanation! the first time she ate a parahuman a part of me thought that she may get the guys powers or something, but i didn't think that ghouls could really do that.
I've actually been the thinking of how her powers would work in worm from what i know of their respective worlds and lore at the moment. My first thought was race change and she got the stuff for her kakkuja from other parahumans which seems to be backed by them smelling barely palatable which i think ghouls smelled to other ghouls. my other thought was she got the powers of the final kaneki and just didn't get what all her power was. this one seemed pretty unlikely. i then thought that it might be that her power is to be able to create like rc constructs from these sources. that she can only eat things that have rc now but parahumans may have something else that makes them smell bad. the reason why she could only use the ribbons was kind of a combo of thinking her power could only make the ribbons not having enough rc yet and maybe a subconscious limiter or something. I really dont know for sure and think these may all be wrong but I'll only know anything for sure when and if you tell me.
thanks for replying! I had pretty much come to the same conclusion for the same reason on the romance just wanted confirmation. I'm not really worried about this being dropped. my mind just went there while i was making the comment. I've finished tokyo ghoul anime and manga, I read the manga first. I didn't actually know worm existed till I read this so I'll probably read it in a week or two i have a few things i wanna finish first.
is there gonna be romance? us there a reason in the ff fir how the powers of a ghoul work in the worm world? anyway just curious about those things. love the novel, hope its never dropped, hope that wasn't a flag and i just hoisted high into the sky, and hope we can fix our sleep schedules.