

2022-11-01 加入Global




  • DaoistuK3Ovv
    DaoistuK3Ovv27 minutes ago
    回復 SwirlingInk

    What do you mean before he lost control he lost control. When he woke up and because he was partially insane ( but sane enough to move around) he spent half the day not going to class just loitering around as the % kept going up instead of going to the forest it wasn’t until he almost killed someone if she wasn’t the strongest he would have killed her and gotten arrested it wasn’t until he did that then he ran into forest. He was told that he would go insane if it reached 50-80 and worse at 90 but then he treats the warning like it wasn’t even there and only when he experienced it did he remember the warning.

  • DaoistuK3Ovv
    DaoistuK3Ovvan hour ago
    回復 SwirlingInk

    You also claim I didn’t read the story yet make no point in refuting any claims and complaints I made that’s simply because you know I’m right. If you really think I didn’t put thought into that comment why don’t you give a reason again every complaint I made.

  • DaoistuK3Ovv
    DaoistuK3Ovvan hour ago
    回復 DaoistuK3Ovv

    The f are you on about i didn’t even know when the ch locked during the time of this comment. Second of all the author says that there are goblins and kobolds so I think his shadow possession form can handle them also dude survived a whole day there unconscious and bloodied I think he can atleast check if beasts and monsters can satiate his hunger so he doesn’t have to continue KILLING NOBLES in u know the most prestigious school in the world and simply hope not to get caught. If you have nothing to say to the seven or so complaints and have an excuse for 1 in the comment above l suggest you shut up.

  • DaoistuK3Ovv
    DaoistuK3Ovv2 days ago

    He hasn’t even checked if the shadow accepts monsters he could have checked since he already went beyond the barrier it hasn’t been stated if it can’t eat even if it’s full

  • DaoistuK3Ovv
    DaoistuK3Ovv2 days ago

    The beginning of the book is honestly atrocious you would think someone who is horrible at theory and practical and is bullied everyday would develop critical thinking skills in order to survive but it’s the opposite I’ve never seen a more foolish mc in my life instead of trying to feed his shadow he stuffs his face and goes to sleep and instead of figuring out what it eats he decides to wait to risk partial insanity just to document the effects like bro you’d be too insane to fully understand the effects and after finding out it wants ppls souls and hearts he could have gone to the forest to check if it would accept monster flesh and Hearts instead he stays in a school populated with ppl while insane which could result in him killing a student and getting himself expelled. -On top of that after reading the system’s warning he treats the shadow like it’ll never take over his mind even while it was in the middle of doing exactly that how are you not suspicious of something that could potentially take your life yet not only that you treat it like it’s your friend without trying to fully understand what it can do and capable of. I don’t get why you’d write an mc without redeeming qualities he also has no friends therefore there’s no character besides him meaning there’s no intriguing character to keep ppl here what made you think ppl would stay after all that. It’s not like the books here are free also there are thousands of books on this app I f you don’t capture our attention in the beginning we won’t continue reading, I was interested when he got the system but watching his increasing ignorance and foolishness even when the solution to all his problems is handed to him and watching him not seize it until everything blew up in his face was all I needed to drop the series. But I’ll read until the locked ch it’s been in my library for a while so I’ll do that then check back if it gets better

  • DaoistuK3Ovv
    DaoistuK3Ovv7 days ago
    回復 System_Department

    Maybe so but I wouldn’t enjoy reading the book simply because that’s the point that’s like saying the point of a novel is to look through the lens of a serial rapist doesn’t mean I’ll enjoy much less finish the book. I like everyone else have a moral compass how am I supposed to enjoy a book with an mc who’s actions I find detestable simply because that’s the point additionally he’s being half forced to act this way which makes it even more uncomfortable. Like i said I’ll stick to your previous book it was really good.

  • DaoistuK3Ovv
    DaoistuK3Ovv8 days ago

    So far the system just makes him act like a scum and complete trash of a person so no thanks I’ll just stick to your previous book, that one was extremely good.