I'll make a discord when we hit 50 chapters. People can have discussions there when there's more to talk about. Might need people with moderator experience though, since I have none.
From what I've seen on WN and other people who commented, it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I can still try, but we'll see.
Who's seen the Bones AMV?
I think if I kept trying I'm going to waste time so much playing the game. I'll probably play it another time.
Was playing oxygen not included since yesterday. Couldn't get the hydrogen generator to work for the life of me.
I am back! Uploads will hopefully return to one a day, provided nothing sudden comes up.
upload will be unstable for a while, I'm busy with stuff and sad brain syndrome
Some fanfictions are monetized on QD, this is one of them. People translate books and publish all of it (1000+ chapters) for free on WN, which is...debatable, if you know what I mean. Translators are entitled to the copyright of their translation but the distribution (publishing) of the book is within the property of the author or QD.
I don't like how it reverses the comment order lol. read the bottom first.
Without proper training and education, it is essentially the best work I can do without spending an absurd amount of time revising. That's also probably the case for other novels. That's also the thing with web novels right? the quantity vs quality debate, do people want more chapters or better chapters? They want to pump out chapters but the translators don't live /haven't lived in an english speaking country. So maybe they know it's not great but have no way of wording it differently.