Feeling sad for Alicent, and her friendship with Rhaenyra, hope they reconcile in future, not diverge like in canon
That was the funniest truck-kun impact I've seen
The writing sometimes seems AI-ish but the story is good. Stable updates. I didn't like Tywin's characterization at all. But ignoring it, the story is interesting.
I wonder how Alex would maintain all hes relationships without coming off as a cheater
Woah, I didn't expect this kind of a twist in this story, should be interesting. I just hope it doesn't change the pleasant mood of the story. I also miss Max and Caroline for the last few chapters, I hope they appear soon.
Noo mannnnn, you cannot leave us hanging like this. This should be illegal! Can't wait for the next chapter
you do you dude
I think it should be Maester, not Master. It confused me for a bit.
Don't waste your time on such reviews Author. just remove them, saves your time and mental health.
Very interesting story. Hope this one gets more popular. Good character development. Humorous, Plots. Sometimes feels cringy, some relationship developments seem amateurish but nice overall.