Avid reader. Amateur writer. Love to chat about a good book
Spinach allergy. Not too common. I’m allergic to the entire amaranth family: spinach, beets, chard, quinoa, amaranth, etc. It’s pretty annoying.
I assume he climbed in the tub, not his trunk, right?
Also Lotus, even if she had it drilled into her head that “not all friend-shaped things are friends,” which she may or may not pay attention to at any given moment. On a side note, I think my cousin is a secret green dragon devotee, and she would absolutely give Thor head pats and scale rub downs and conjure more food for him even if he doesn’t really need it. She has mama raccoons and possums that regularly visit her yard, and having to get rabies vaccinations after an accidental nip did nothing to discourage her feeding them.
The Tessa cleric belongs to Thor, of course. Someone has to help cover his flanks while he smashes enemies and buffs friends! Rae uses the Lotus when she needs an accessory human, especially now that Hawk can carry the Dana Mage. Remi and Cara are working together for now, but they might gain accessory humans as well some day!
Kingesses??? Really?!
The wave numbers for the MC start with a letter O instead of the number 0 (and have up to this point). It’s a bit visually odd. Given than many reading apps have the ability to change fonts for readers with disabilities and strong preferences, it might be worth fixing in your manuscripts if you ever publish elsewhere and in future chapters. (I know editing in WN after publishing is a mess.)
*Thirty-ninth day (or day thirty-nine)
*further (Farther is only appropriate for physical distance. Otherwise, further is the more accepted term.)