I like to read. I hope I can make something out of it 😉✌️
Probably do a poll for what story you do next? Both here and your Pat-reon.
What would be your update schedule? Just whenever you feel like it, or you have it set up?
Will you set up a surname system in order to get track of population in your lands, especially to those that get educated eventually? It would be easier to keep track populations and families living under your land.
Would it be a Dhamphir?
Could you make the chapters a bit longer? It would be great to see more character dialogues, actions, and a bit more world building as well. Plus you can add and develop your lore in this story, thus making it different from the original. I like how you change the original giantess fighter name, it was stupid, literally. Also, you should describe more things like how and why it works for writing. Like I haven’t seen Hedwig, did he disappear? Also, add in a bit more narrative and detail. Those are my suggestions to make it better.
Put on a basic synopsis first to get an idea. Also, it would be good to put up what the MC looks like as well. Maybe do more slice of life stuff, character development, and probably reincarnate him before season 1.
What’s the difference between the original fanfic and your version? I just hope this protagonist can make his own version of magic academy down the line and have rituals to open their to be like his.
I hope he will get better over time, even if it will take him ages. He should at least learn how to deal of Bullshitting his way out of problems and persuasion.
Potions should be another to be master with
He should at also get a strong body, not like a bodybuilder, but something like for endurance, robustness, agility, and flexibility, especially for combat and fighting. Therefore I hope he gets to level 6-7 with hard work and effort.