He didn't have stash of points as he literally bombed a whole valley full of dragons and their god to directly level to 310 and accumulate that many points.
Yes, consistently cringyey.
Everybody has clearly become numb to this as reading mtl novels can make you patient ans raise your tolerance for such things. Doesn't make it any less annoying but you just learn to go with it. It is not even worst I've read!
Literally waste of time. You'll learn nothing more of storyline from canon and the MC is a wimp. It'e like he doesn't have any knowledge of the cannon then may as well declare him male rougue. Then also female rougue was better and not wimpy and crybaby like him. *Putui*
Waste of time. Waste of storage it takes on the server.
Where the fuck did he get the lolipop case from when he was a 3 years old when he didn't have the inventory. Where the fuck this story is even going? Is the MC stupid or smart? Kind or Cruel? Selfless or selfish? Hero or villain? He wanted money and he fucking sold pseudo immortality apple to 2 useless people with no morals for billion dollars? You could already steal that much and more from Hydra! You could even sell gold from the minecraft dimensions bruh. I know I am at fault for reading this but sometimes you need some bullshit like this to entertain you at 3 a.m.
There are not many but I can hand them out like candies for a couple bucks to any tom, dick and harry.
Can't even consider this a crackfic as there is a method to the madness. But here there is no rhyme of reason, no explanations for anything. Everything goes.
You have to be at the same level of high to able to read this.
When there is possibility of brainwash/mind control everything else becomes pointless then!