

2022-07-25 加入Global




  • 2unremarkable
    2unremarkable2 years ago
    回復 Valtura

    Wow...spoken like someone who has never entered the real world. I love reading novels, I don't mind helping you. Consider googling "how to write novels", there are a few good resources for people like yourself. Hey, good luck and wish you the best. P.S. I've heard people who use "boyfriend" as an insult are single 99.99% of the time and 100% of the time they're 13 or younger? Is that true, this is in no way meant to be offensive, I'm just curious, thank you! I also attached a gif summarizing the main character.

  • 2unremarkable
    2unremarkable2 years ago

    wonderful novel, i believe it will only get better in time and I wish author the best of luck in his adventure and hope this goes on to become greater

  • 2unremarkable
    2unremarkable2 years ago

    A masterstroke of what can be considered an example of a novel that's laced with homophobic undertones. It follows the journey of a boy who fears and rejects male friendship and touch to become a ruthless killer but yearns for female love and attention so much so that he will show great mercy and compassion to them even if they want him dead. While he ruthlessly kills males and males are shown to be violent creatures, the main character hands himself and everything he owns over to a female who can offer him nothing and he does this for just a hug and a smile. One hug, one smile and all his strength (as he is the strongest among them) and everything he owns is given to the female. Noah continues to shun any kind of male interactions lest he be judged for having a "boyfriend". There is a deep message of discrimination in this novel and it tries to go the path of a simp to show where its taste lies.