Your nothing special 2 story house on the hudson in manhattan with a lawn sounds like it cost a couple billion dollars. Ive never seen a lawn in manhattan ever.
Although I liked the premise of the story, the way the author names their characters made me drop almost instantly. The author is using korean names completely wrong and it makes me cringe. For example, Ji-Hoon Alyssa is the first female character introduced where Ji-hoon is supposed to be the last name and Alyssa is her first name. Ji-hoon is a first name for a boy in korea. Last names are usually one syllable i.e. Kim, Lee, Park, etc. while first names are two syllables like Ji-hoon. I tried powering though and ignoring it but this tiny detail makes this novel completely unreadable for me. Writing- About what you expect for a webnovel time waster MC- Supposed to be some amalgamation of villainous actions with hypocritical righteous inner monologue to depict some realism but comes off disjointed. Also he dumb. Story- Bleh Premise- Promising for a fun villain type lemon story but doesn't deliver