“I am the light in the darkness I am the bacon in the fridge for all living things that cry out in hunger I am the alpha and the amiga I am the terror that quacks in the night”
The first song I ever actually tried to lyrics for
I’m a goofy goober, Rock You’re a goofy goober, rovk We’re all goofy goobers, rock Goofy, goofy, goober, goober, rock Put your toys away All I got to say when you tell me not to play is no way No no freaking way I’m a kid you say *mumbles something with kid in it* I say say it again And then I say thanks Thank you very much It’s got you thinking that you’d like to be like me We’ll go ahead and try the kid inside will set you fry Sabulaehshsyegwjajelebop I’m a goofy goober.
That’s not charm sir that is his luck stat but now I know where your mind is.
I’m sorry what? Isn’t he saying that night raid hasn’t formed yet, after all esdeath is only 20 and recently been appointed as general and got her teigu plus she said Najenda was still a general or atleast she implied it.
So they stop bitchin
The only time I ever respected Gohan after the cell saga.