Hi, im starting my own web novel. If you read it, please leave some comments and advice so that I know how to improve :) Hope you enjoy ! - MonarchOfAbsolute
Lol you're really saying "dont say anything about my writing style, but critics are welcome"... Like this is a novel brah... Apart from that, nice story man ! :)
Obviously I like it since it's my own story 😁 Nyahahahaha ! You cant stop me from giving myself a 5-star review puny humans !
Yep 😁
Maybe later in the story though...
No why ?
OK thanks XD
I really like the story so far, I think it has great potential. Writing quality could be improved a little bit (some grammar mistakes here and there, I can tell you're not a native english speaker), but apart from that, this story is really great and i'm excited to see where it goes. :)
Another impractical power XD Also, how is he gonna set up a portal to places if he can't go there ??
I really like the story's pacing, it's not too fast or too slow :)
I don't understand the Creator's Thoughts at all lol. Is it just me ? Am I just dumb ? :')