Keep it up author!
I’v really enjoyed the story so far as of writing this there are 49 chapters and it hasn’t been updated in over a month please don’t drop this!
Just found this series today and binged all 45 chapters currently out. its a fun read and i just wish the author would add chapters more frequently!
This has become one of my favorite series keep it up
I normally can stand it when people try to make stories fit into other expansive worlds but this one takes the world and characters from DC comics and twists it into a fun and interesting ride. keep it up and please update faster!
Whqt about just Genesis
Author wrong story
Author this is the wrong story
This has been fun to read good job author!
As of wrighting this there are only 11 chpters out but you can tell the author knows where the story is going. you can feel the qualify of the writeing and the story has great potential i just wish the auther would upload more frequently. definitely worth giving a read