almost head over heels..in love xx
for me it comes easy when I'm with you...I love this line it makes me smile
I really enjoyed this sweet story. Don't read looking for lots of action but a well crafted tale of how two people grow together until they depend on each other for their mutual happiness.
hey author I am enjoying the book but not paying for chapters that are including any repeated paragraphs . this last one is the worst 50% repeated.
Sorry to hear that but I've paid for a big batch of chapters and the last 10 have been mixed up with lots of repeated content. some warning would be good so avoid unnecessary coin loss. will these be replaced or will I have to pay again?
after wedding part 1 the chapter of Erica and the witches keeps repeating .. I've seen it at least 3 times now and don't know how the wedding was after Anne arriving covering her bump with a coat
what has happened with this chapter reoccurring?
the last two chapters are repeats..😭
Really loving the interaction between FL and ML. I like the humour, the plot, the supporting characters are thought through. Latest chapters could do with checking as have a few typos and names not being used correctly which can be a bit confusing. overall though I am glad to find this story please keep updating ❤❤❤
Incomplete warning... story just stops. Up to then I was enjoying, nice drawing, cute kid and funny although sadly based on older experienced man exploiting a teenage naive girl