You should edit this, humans wouldn't be on any other planet but earth.
Honestly, not a bad start. I'm really excited to see where this goes.
Holy shit this is amazing, Sam is a cunning mother fucker and I LOVE it! Azazel's got no fucking clue~ This fic is honestly gold and well deserving of its high rating, the author has talent.
The story is great at the beginning, Harry learning magic with Hermione a fair bit before Hogwarts, However, despite being sorted into Ravenclaw with Hermione, the author still went for the rememberball scene which is confusing because the flight lessons should of been split between houses ( Gryffindor & Slytherin) ( Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff) for whatever reason all the houses except Hufflepuff were present and despite not having any prior interaction with Hagrid, the Author decided for Harry to meet and befriend Hagrid so he can give plot clues. All in all if you plan on changing the plot, it shouldn't line up so closely with the original.