and for those of you reviewing saying this is a fantastic story without even picking up on how wrong the sexualisation of children is need a hard long look at yourselves, sick bastards
a symbol we still have no idea how it looks, and if he wants to keep his owning the sharingan secret thats not the way to do it...
Chapter order is all wrong, you have chapters in the wrong place, and even sentences out of order, in short this MTL is all over the place, save yourselves the headache, especially when the dickhead author expects you pay for it
seriously? 15 or 16 i could believe (just), but 10? delusional
he should, i mean he knew the first hokage, saw his power, so how would he not know? lmao
still does nothing about her own lacking chakra reserves does it? how short sighted
he is 10 for crying out loud, tone it down a bit eh? not all about nonce vibe
ermm i think you will find that gentle step twin lion fists is a move created and developed by hinata herself with the help of neji, it didnt exist before that
what about combining the susanoo with wood style armor?