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She also said that she appeared to have forgotten some of her memories.
Thank you for taking the time to explain to me.
What is said in her mind is usually in italic.
I believe that when he took her to the research place was where they spent the 3 years.
I thought he said earlier that she gave him resources . How then can she not have money?
After a few hours, not even a day. He did not even have to do much. I sometimes wonder how authors see female idenfied people in real life. Lady, guard your loins and heart.
They are also allowing the same thing to happen to their daughter.
It will have to be a case of the student becoming the master as he is her teacher.
Seriously, neither of them has displayed good parenting. First of all, why take the children to the party? Second, he was also there; why did he not care for them, too? Third, two children are missing. They do not know where they are and nobody called the police?
I believe the children are biologically the husband's.