Women you are the one in danger
That's............actually a good excuse hell it's gonna be good seeing him misunderstand in the future that his Adoptive brother is either an anicent symbol master or a legendary expert who reached Reincarnation Realm something even the previous Devouring Ancestor wasn't able to reach
He gets a sexy mature redhead Phoenix women while giving his loyalty to a behemoth of a organization, an absolute win
Please No
Type Garp vs Akainu fan animation on youtube
That alone would have been much better! another thing he could have done was that he should have had the Primarchs earn their place as the leaders of their legion by starting from the bottom or as a low level officer so they could have adjusted better, that way if the Heresy even did happen then they wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of traitors they had for their invasion since at most it would have been rogue divisions in multiple Legions rebelling NOT 9 ENTIRE LEGIONS OF SUPERHUMAN DEMIGODS!
By the time he actually gets to the planet, if the mc truly does away with the Imperium paranoia and Zealotry he'll have to fight against a resurged human faction in Imperium Nihilus that has not only large armies but equiped with tech, weaponry, economy etc that would shame even the most prosperous Hive World or Forge world, If Guilliman is Pragmatic and Realistic (Which he is unlike most of his brothers) he'll understand that allying with the mc would be much better for both his faction and the Indomitus Crusade, together they'll be able to get an edge against their enemies mostly Chaos and Hive Fleet Leviathan and Kronos not to mention other threats that are tearing through the crusade in canon. Mainly this can turn in Both Roboute and the mc's favor since the crusade will give not only the new faction many merits but also give Roboute a genuine reason to bring them into the fold of the Imperium High command, this alliance would allow him to finally pass laws that would benefit the Imperium and humanity while starting to destroy the influence of the Imperial Creed, Inquisition, High Lords, Administratum and Corrupt Planetary Governors allowing the Imperium (Humanity) to leave it's stagnancy and advance once again like the Emperor wanted while also doing some other things like finally removing the stupid ban on Tech Heresy as Innovation, hopefully getting rid of the blatant racism on friendly Xeno species and most of all getting rid of that religion of the God Emperor
Nah Rob the best help I can get just yesterday he told me of the different Outer Gods that reside in the Abyss of Space
I need Therapy
So it's like Big mom from one piece she was beautiful years before but then...............well I know what Big mom looked like in canon