Jangan-jangan authornya ngalamin kejadian pembullyan kah thor? berasa real 😭🤧 sama pelaku mah dah sulit klo ga ada yang nolongin. ngerilah. nggak sabar nunggu part selanjutnya 🔥
terima kasih cinta❤️ jangan lupa baca terus kelanjutannya sayang. xixixi😍😘
sangad mewakili banget
"Charice. You must be big. My life changed after meeting you. Will we meet again? What's your face like now? Your little face used to be so pretty and cute. By now she must have become a beautiful girl," muttered Prince Alardo as he kissed the jade ring. I'm also curious about Charice's face, it must be pretty. Aww can't wait for them to meet again🤧🤧🤧
can't imagine for example being in a position which is dangerous. Have to survive with each other's strengths, aaaa the plot twist is really good🤧🤧
I'm so sorry for Elsha's fate, where her mother-to-be is cruel, it's scary.... Stella just said it like that, just overthinking it, I didn't really expect the plot
Zico kejam bet 😭 meskipun nggak suka sama tuh cewek jangan ngehina kali, sebagai cewek aku geram sama kelakuan Zico. Bikin esmosi, ganteng-ganteng tapi nggak punya attitude, skipp aja deh neng😭👍🏻 abis tuh glow up. Aaaa baca bab-bab berikutnya bikin gemes, mampus kan sekarang Angelina udah cakep wahh ngreget nggak tuhh si Zico