Very picky sometimes and sometimes not, I guess it depends on how Im feeling.
he never did, the novel ended abruptly like every other novel from Akikan. I last read it more than a year ago together with It Starts by Becoming a Mangaka, and that also ends out of nowhere. If you want to scratch an itch by reading an Akikan novel its fine, but dont expect to see any development apart from him getting the girls(not even all of them, some get thrown into the limbo because the novel ends), the novel was axed more cruelly than a trash japanese isekai manga.
awesome, I think about doing it sometimes but I'm too lazy
this might be an unpopular opinion, but I think the reason this is highly rated and up there in the ratings is because most other novels and FF's are trash as well and Akikan uploads daily. I've read a lot of good novels but they always have few chapters and slow updates. TBH most novels/FFs here are trash, if I exaggerated a bit I can say the amount of good novels can be counted in my 10 fingers and maybe I wouldnt be able to use all 10 because its actually less.
that was never my pount bruv, my point is that during my time using this app I saw people writing bad reviews for much much less and this story seems to have something these people would love to whine about, saying that MC is a beta, that he lets himself be abused, etc. However, in the comments of other reviews these people are there whining about it, but there are 0 reviews by them. I have no problem with characters that will voluntarily go through torture to get stronger and depending on how willing the MC is and how logical it is I get excited, but not seeing 1 Review about it is weird, it makes me think this novel doesnt deserve the Ranking and Rating it has.
so you wrote the same chapter twice because why not? This is clearly not a different POV or flashback, its the whole interaction again while Mitaka's Schizo thoughts are shown
I Hate Systems
THE Mountain.
I dont have any bad intention by typing this, but it seems to me an Asian mentality because I see it in novels/mangas made by JP, CN and even novels written by Indian people have this mindset of being the topdog and wanting to rule everything.
She isnt chinese, is she an enemy then?