Jarvis, Stroke it at 20,000 BPS.
Oh Aizen how far this story has fallen… This story was good at first, different from all the other Webnovel stories in the beginning and it was genuinely fun to read. But after he went to DC and did that while schtick of pretending to be a villain it started getting bad. The constant glaze of the MC by the author and other characters, the constant nerf of the MC after every world he went to. Almost every female falling in love with him just because he looked good, The forced comedy. And if that wasn’t bad enough it went even more downhill when he went to Harry Potter verse and went down right horrendous in The Boys verse, like come on ‘Dark Allen’? And now when I read the story to see if it had gotten better, I see that it has not. Allen acts like a toddler whenever things annoy him. Then there’s the fact that his SUPERHERO friends are just A-okay with him doing villain shit, like make it make sense. Overall the story is now ass, its a generic Webnovel Wish-fulfillment fic, which is disappointing as the story was a enjoyable read before.
I see no reason for you to announce your departure, just drop.
Wtf is the verse?
I will not let you down
Ofc…what did I expect from a Webnovel reader.
Why do you complain about plot armor as if almost every MC has it?
Im now beggining to see just how Braindead and ‘Red Pill’ Webnovel readers are.😂🤚🏾