


Like to write essays and short stories.

2022-03-12 加入India




  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspiranta month ago

    The author wants us to believe MC is very rational because of his past experiences. And to reinforce this logic Author resorts to click baiting steelmanning (Making opponents' argument stronger than they are) MC's arguments and gaslighting (making us question ourselves) readers. Ex. MC will make an absurd decision (generally at the end of chapter) to hook out intest ( like how bad mobile game add's do), then in next chapter MC will explain that decision like a sage and strongmanning himself. If I have to summarize MC's personality, He is like a relic of past who knows what he is not 'a new gadget' but don't know what he can be. This story had potential, specifically till ch80 ish but after that it went downhill, but credit where it's due comedic undertone is good

  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspirant6 months ago

    For webnovel it's a 5☆ •At the start language felt a bit too casual for the GOT time period [but it was good for a training arc so that we can read without thinking too much.] •In the late 180s to 230s, language was unnecessarily complex [there were a lot of wars and strategies involved so it became even more unbearable.] •And after 240 language has been GOOD and engaging so far. In general, it's a 3.8 or close 4.

  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspirant10 months ago

    •Character design and development both are excellent •World development feels deep but coherent [Not every goal is a hole, Don't worry about him being a gigolo, till 450ch only 3+1 partners. ]

  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspiranta year ago

    The most underrated Novel on this site. [Criminally Underrated] Apart from missing words in some sentences everything is good, it deliver on what it says.

  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspiranta year ago

    Ch 200 It's a highly underrated novel, no nerfing MC, no weird Grammer, a good story pace. While reading you won't disconnected from the novel. Cons/Pro:- Harem is slow [like really SLOW](dont bash me till you read ch 200, it will become apparent) I like it, and would love to see how it ends [all wars and stuff].

  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspiranta year ago

    Ch.-94 •Writing quality 4☆ [Pretty good from majority on webnovel, no contradicting himself, no grammatical mistakes] •Stability of updates 5☆ [Everyday 1ch has been constantly updated] • Characters design 4☆ [Not a fair comparison due to it being fanfic but still its good to see how they interact with MC] •World background 4☆ [A very DIVERSE pool of animes] Cons:- Chapters seems short 😕 I'm hopeful for this Story's future 🙌 .

  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspiranta year ago

    It's a no nonsense story, consistent and logical. World building is good, side characters have a complex background and feels alive. I would like to see more of MC's parents and friends etc in game and MC's life outside of the game world.

  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspiranta year ago

    Narcissism is only likeable if it's used for Comedy or if it's used for a short period, not like this. Entire premise of this novel is a narcissistic FL And it gets even worse, after some chapters it starts to feel toxic. I tried giving it a chance.

  • An_Aspirant
    An_Aspirant2 years ago

    C14 This is a tragedy but not for Emperor/Empress or some other royals. It was tragedy only for citizens because not only they had Worthless Empress but even their own Emperor neglected them While reading the story, don't forget she isn't an ordinary girl; she was already a princess of a reasonably good kingdom, so there should be no reason for her being naive 1)- Her 1st love was bogus [her proclaimed lover got married two months after separation] 2)-In the entirety of her married life, a)-She didn’t had a happy marriage but it wasn't entirely Emperors fault and understand, going on a shopping spree isn't going to affect his economical status b)-Her 'trusted' maid poised her only son and made her think it was her husband, & that very same maid also helped her in poisoning of Emperor [LMAO]. c)-She LITERALLY Slept with the enemy king (multiple times) while still being married. [Reason- b)] d)-She decimated the entire capital city alongside its innocent citizens e)-And I'm not going into the usual "if she can hear thoughts of others then what's the dilemma" For our "Ruthless Emperor" 1)- Bro your child got poisoned and died 2)-Instead of saving your empire you died protecting a wife who not only didn't loved you but also- a)-POISONED YOU on the daily basis b)-cheated on multiple occasions c)-decimated your capital city and lead the enemy troops inside the capital.