Crazy world eh
See for yourself[img=recommend]
If you want to read the whole story go on to read it all. Since I'm not gonna update here very soon. You'll find the answers there.
That would be so because it is stated that he would only gain about 99.9% of the exp to become level 101, which I implemented, of course, but since I changed the way how levels work, he won't become level 101 so quickly. Let's say that this exp is called raw. But he cant just get a class or racial skill since this isn't a game anymore. Meaning he has to grow differently. More realistic.
It's a repost from I got about 19 chapters there, but I will review each one again and update it here like a second proofreading.
Nah, why do you do Ainz that dirty he just became some typical MC? I had high expectations, but in your place, I would rewrite this part. If you wanna say its because Ainz is a human, you ain't know sh. It's stated in the novels that he was walking from work and saw children dying on the streets, but he didn't care. This isn't Ainz. It's a self-insert bearing only the name, or not even that!
He has become the character he portrayed for so long. How nice
First, if you read the chapter carefully, you can see that he didn't know that this was a real-world and just went on with his demon lord persona. After that, he decided to go away. Second, he saved the girls because he somehow related to them, as he aswell was very oppressed by the higher ups. Third, Nigun has knowledge of the Theocracy and how it works etc., the villagers haven't. It was more pure luck to meet Nigun as well, so why not get info out of him as well. And you really don't know Ulbert as to why he gets angry at seeing what the Theocracy does. It is because, in the real world of Overlord, he has a particular hate for such people. So if you are going to say such things and don't know a thing about Ulbert, please at least inform yourself. This fanfic is the work of two authors, so I doubt there is any mistake we did in here lore-wise.
Probably going to update it in the future, but it aint going to be a long fanfic that I'll tell. But yeah, I'll try to make an update some time.
He needs a [Leaf of Yggdrasil], basically a fallen world to activate them. And he only has two at the start. So he cant really choose all 7 of them.
Don't know if I can write 10k words every day but I will surely update it during a month or even every two weeks. As I have other stories, I got to continue too.