Слишком тупой главный герой, слишком всё удачно, слишком просто, слишком не реалистично, слишком одно типично и скучно. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой. Тупой главный герой.
Довольно интересное описание а учитывая кто автор советую всем жду жестоких битв, безумных-учёных. И гг из Хьюго надеюсь выловит кого-то из клана Кагуя. Удачи!
Author, what do you think about writing a douluo dalu fanfic? I think it would be worthwhile to make the main character based on Edward's personality, only more cynical and hardened, and also make him study battle souls and these so-called infinitely living beings. Because there are many beings that are over 10,000 years old. Also, many different types of powers could be touched upon, from the power of souls to destroying the legacy of all gods. Because Edward is disgusted by their existence.
Is it chatgpt ?
Hello Author. Listen to what you think about the snow leopard villages. They just live near China. This is in a country called Tajikistan and its eastern part is the Pamirs, where Snow Leopards live, this is their natural habitat. How about we talk about it. And you mentioned the Indian and Tibetan Empire. But what about the Mughal Khanstav, it could be either Genghis Khan or Temurlane. And you should mention the largest library in all of Asia, which was located in Bukhara. There could be all sorts of scrolls about martial arts, scientific works, something about Qi, well, you can come up with what will be there.
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Explain what this means, I’m reading from Google Translator and it can’t translate it!
Kill famaly MC !!!
Why did you quit your fanfic "Argent"?