What is supposed to happen if he applies 'weight,' so to say pressure, to his blood?
ha so blue eyes
Green eyes...? I thought she had blue eyes.
Mabye i got it wrong but wasnt homelander only called John by the researchers and madelyn. He hated that name.
😂 What did I just read . Each chapter is getting wilder and wilder .
Tf .... Germany doesnt even have a President. Nur diesen Piraten.
Quite the nice novel. Good grammar and good Story with somewhat likeable charakters. But... you got to hold on and dont just drop the story like many other did. Because it went a lot of effort into writing this Review . Ps: ( like atleast 30 seconds )
As soon as money came into equation his inner Dagobert Duck awakend.
Just steal 500 sqaure meters from youre Neughbour and build with GALVANIZED STEEL and ECO FRIENDLY WOOD !
Good grammar , good story , interesting world build and start.