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It's not a story that will be just another angle on the original story.
FTG its way to op and hard to get. He might not even learn this in the end.
There's already the outcome of the massacre, so I don't have to give spoilers here. ( ch 22 I think )
Don't worry, there won't be a relationship until he gets older.
Tak, będzie, ale dopiero później.
Oi, sim nos capítulos para frente ja esta no modo ´correto´. :3 Irei arrumar os primeiros logo mais.
It's a good excuse since the Naruto universe revolves around destiny, with prophecies and everything. But as the protagonist is not from this world. He will still learn many things about destiny, good and bad. (In fact, this is already mentioned in later chapters, >.< ) If you continue reading you will see the struggle, suffering and victory. Well victory is still in the early stages. But it's something interesting since, as you said, even with all the little ´´ cheats ´´ Ryo is still pathetically weak compared to someone who is really strong. For now
As soon as I have time, the initial chapters will be edited. The next ones are already in 'standard' form.
For those who like an Isekai novel, with a good plot, and amazing development. You can read without fear, there are only a few chapters left even now (on the day of the review). However, the work has great potential and a future ahead.
Yes, but trust the process < 3