my father have married two person
of course I know that I am saying with anime or fantasy prospective and I know today's women mostly wouldn't allow that but to polygamy is also allowed in many countries and also in countries that doesn't allow it the people still brag and are proud of having with more than one girlfriends or boyfriend
I am not saying all the relationship starts like this but majority of people in women side not just the women herself would like there partner to be powerful it can be with wealth or other etc not just muscle power and by the way many people in the past have married and have multiple concubine etc because they can afford them
one of the best dragon ball fanfic but author can you not use the word fusion of this and that or perfect balance i think vegito especially should not think to much about being a fusion and he shouldn't be to much effected by the memories after all he has God perspective with his past life memories I get chima but not vegito
honestly the hyuga branch family issue very few stories actually try to resolve it but just because the main family has Hinata and hanabi the mc of the most story who mostly think with there dicks and spare the clan leader or main family neji and hizashi are shown in the anime like only they are branded as slaves at least they were given the leader position of branch family unlike the actual victim
This story has massive potential to be one of the best i just hope you won't have Naruto stay in konoha like it's slave he don't have any reason to serve it if you talk about his parents like kushina or Minato they are just the biological parent who would have given original Naruto birth he shouldn't have so called bond for someone who has imprisoned his girlfriend
many people say that it's not jiraya or Tsunade fault or all the bad things that hiruzen or danzo did is only there fault but jiraya and Tsunade both are also responsible because they have the power to stop these things but they didn't do it because they aren't the one that are effected directly
is it really necessary for almost every person the mc meet to underestimate him or just straight up insult him shouldn't he or anyone in the one piece world who has conquer haki radiate a passive danger aura or something
we still don't know about mc total power level
tfc about jiraya if you think about his actions of training nagato etc its okay to train them but it's not okay to leave them after training them he should have them join konoha