I’m just saying since it’s indestructible if I read something about him getting stabbed or some shit author im dropping because in the rewards it said indestructible it didn’t have a limit to how much damage it could take it didn’t have if you get hit with something above a certain threshold of price it gets cut or whatever Im just saying
Author are you slightly retarded something like that wouldnt tire him maybe mentally L but not physically
Just wanted to know because I know he has shadow monarch powers and that’s cool and all but they shouldn’t wipe out his genetic inheritance which is his viltrumite abilties so what I’m asking is he gonna be viltrumite plus shadow monarch powers or nah
So like Rex
Bruh I read the other account chapter 25 thought I tabbed back into and added the book to my library gave it stones instead I gave this one stones lol how tf doesnt it have stones by the way it’s a good story and has 1.8 mil views yall be some cheapskates even though at a certain point you get stones for free
Now he’s original mark and not altered
Bro you need to fix which ones original mark and eve and which ones altered shits annoying to figure out by what their saying alone maybe put Au and tv show version or something because it’s annoying
That just so stupid sorry